Last updated on March 23, 2025 by College Financial Aid Advice.
Application Deadline March to June each year
Award Amount $5000 first place each, $3000 second place each, $2000 third place each, $500 runners up. Same prize amount is awarded to the school.
The duct tape scholarship belongs on every odd scholarships list. Do you have enough confidence to design and wear a prom dress or suit made from duct tape? Use duct tape to create prom outfits and accessories and enter a photograph to the online scholarship contest. Must be a legal resident and at least 14 years old. This is one of the great unusual scholarships for girls because girls love to dress up, so why not dress up in your own creation for prom as a girl - girl couple? Girl - boy and boy - boy couples are allowed too in this odd scholarships contest. For duct tape scholarship rules and application see Duct Tape Scholarship.
Application Deadline February
Award Amount $1000 first prize, $500 second prize and $250 third prize
Do you believe one person can make a difference or even change the world in a good way? Create a 16 x 20 inch original poster with this theme and submit it to The Christophers’ annual poster contest for high school students. See the online application and information for One Person Can Make a Difference Scholarship at
Application Deadline open from March to January
Award Amount $10,000 plus $1000 for your school
Turn your artistic talent into an odd scholarship! Design a greeting card for a friend, and you've given a thoughtful gift. But design it for a scholarship contest, and you might win $10,000. Submit your photo, artwork or computer graphic for the front of a greeting card. Designs should be appropriate for business and consumer use, such as birthday or Christmas cards. Must be your own original work. Open to high school, college and university students, and member of the armed forces. Must be a legal resident or have a student visa to attend school in the US. Must be at least 14 years old. Winner will be notified in March. For more information on the Create a Greeting Card Art Scholarship Contest, see
Application Deadline February
Award Amount 11+ awards each year range from $500 - $3000
Win a scholarship to college by creating a 30 second commercial that warns middle school students (grades 6 – 8) about the dangers of underage drinking. Open to high school students in grades 9 - 12. May be individual or team project. For Courageous Persuaders Scholarship application and information see
Application Deadline deadline not specified
Award Amount reduced tuition rates
Yup, everything really is bigger in the nation of Texas, in fact 100 miles bigger. If you live in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico or Oklahoma within 100 miles of the Texas border and want to attend a public college or university in Texas, you may save some tuition. For more information about 100 Miles and you are a Texan, see On a more serious note, there are many other Tuition Assistance Programs for out-of-state residents too.
Application Deadline applications accepted from January 1 – June 15 each year. You must be a StarFleet member for one year to qualify.
Award Amount up to $500 scholarship award in 20 categories
If you are a Star Trek fan, you can qualify for one of these unusual scholarships from another world. Medical, engineering, language, and more scholarships in honor of your favorite Star Trek character. For Star Trek scholarship requirements and information see
Scholarships for 2025 - 2026 - It is never too early or too late to work on your scholarship searches. If you are part of the high school class of 2025, you should work on your scholarship and college search now. See our list of Scholarships for High School Seniors
FAFSA - The official 2025 - 2026 FAFSA is available now. FAFSA.
Scholarship Lists An overview of the different types of Scholarship Money for College.
Grants Learn more about grants, the other free money for college.
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Tax Credit Claim the American Opportunity Tax Credit.
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Scholarships for High School Students
Equitable Foundation Scholarship
Bill Gates Scholarships for Minorities
College Scholarships for Women
Scholarships for African American Women