If you are writing a nursing essay for college admission or scholarship, it is helpful to look at some good nursing scholarship essay examples. Your essay should be unique and demonstrate your passion and interest in nursing school.
Last updated on March 23, 2025 by College Financial Aid Advice.
Here are a few nursing scholarship essay examples to give you some ideas. You can also check out some of our scholarship information on Nursing Scholarships and Medical Scholarships.
New Mexico State University
Nursing Scholarship Essay written by Jennifer from New MexicoI am determined to be the best nurse I can be, to be a person of assurance for the patient, to be confident in my skills and abilities to help the patient, and most importantly, to be the patient’s advocate and champion for their health and well-being during a time when they cannot do it for themselves. I firmly believe it is the nurse, who has to be 100% committed and who has empathy and compassion, that makes the best nurse and can make the most dramatic difference in a patient’s life when they are most vulnerable. That is my dream, my goal, to be that nurse a patient can truly rely on and to do my best to hone my medical skills and knowledge to stay on top of every possible medical option.
Becoming a nurse for me is simply not a job or career choice for me, but a calling. I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism in 2000, always having a love of writing and communication. I worked as a newspaper reporter for 8 years and I loved it. But in 2003, I got married and began my family. Twenty weeks into my first pregnancy, my son was diagnosed with a rare and fatal bone disorder called campomelic dysplasia. I had the awful experience of losing my son and it was shortly thereafter I developed a pulmonary embolism as a result of the trauma during delivery. I spent 12 days in the hospital, on a regimen of Coumadin and heparin, and it was the nurses who tended to me that helped me both physically and emotionally cope with what I was going through. I had multiple visits with the perinatologist before and after I lost my son, and I found inspiration in the nurses I came into contact with. Also having Graves’ disease, I eventually had to have a thyroidectomy, and three months after that surgery, I had an emergency appendectomy. To say I was in the hospital and in doctors’ offices quite a bit is an understatement. I became fascinated with the world of medicine and the art of nursing. From my curiosity, a calling soon became clear to me.
During the past 8 years or so, I have developed an extensive knowledge of medicine through my own experiences as a patient. Researching my own medical conditions, I became an expert on various aspects of medicine and especially the art of the nurse: How she not only does best by her patient medically, but tends holistically to the patient. I loved many of the nurses I came into contact with and it soon became clear to me that in order to pay it forward, to become the full person I was meant to become, is to, in turn, be that nurse for others in times of need. I want to be that nurse that smiles and brightens the day of someone, even if for a moment, who is going through a life crisis. It is that smile that can carry a patient over and aid in the overall healing process. I truly believe that being a nurse entails not only a patient’s physical needs, but their human needs, and a nurse should have compassion, empathy and total respect for each and every one of her patients.
I remember, years later, the nurses who were that caregiver for me in my times of need. I want to be that for someone else and I will promise to go above and beyond to make sure that each and every patient makes sure they feel they are not alone, that I have compassion and caring for them, and that I will do everything possible to see they get the best care possible. Most everyone in life has had to be hospitalized or has had medical care. It is usually not a pleasant time during these situations, and the experience is something that remains with the person for a long time after the actual event. The doctors involved, and especially the nurses, who have a lot of contact with the patient, are remembered by the patient. It is important for the nurse to be that patient’s advocate. I remember my advocates during my times of trial. If I can be that for someone else, then I will have attained my life calling.
Being a mother of 3 children, and living off of one income (my husband’s), we are very, very financially strapped. Any and all scholarships and financial aid are much-needed and would be extraordinarily appreciated.
I was 13 years old when I first realized I wanted to become a nurse. I attended “bring your daughter to work day” and was sitting at the nurse’s station looking at nurses care for newborns. My heart was instantly filled with love and excitement and at that very moment I knew this is where I belonged.
I have been privileged to be a Mother-Baby/NICU nurse for 6 years now and a school nurse for 2 years. As a Mother-Baby/NICU nurse, I was involved in caring for newborns and teaching families how to care for their newborns. As a school nurse, I was able to care for children, families and their community, a different aspect of nursing. I was able to see the family dynamics as a whole, in the school setting, and work with other staff members to assist these families in not only receiving good medical care but also in finding other pertinent resources.
It was in the school setting that I realized I want to do more for these lower income communities. I want to be able to offer them more of my time and services. This is when I decided to look into Nurse Practitioner Programs. I enrolled part-time in the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program in San Antonio and was accepted and completed 2 semesters but then decided I wanted to enroll full-time so I moved back home and have now decided to enroll in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program here in Chicago.
As a FNP, I would love to work for a community clinic in a lower income setting to help those that may not have insurance or the resources necessary to access medical care. I want to be able to teach families how to live healthier lifestyles and manage any current illnesses and coordinate with other community resources to assist families as a whole.
I am very passionate about my field of work. I love and count it a privilege to be able to be a nurse. I would like to be able to give back to the underserved communities, as this is where I grew up myself. My dreams and aspirations after graduating as a Family Nurse Practitioner include one day being able to open up a free health clinic for the uninsured population and partaking in mission work all over the world. I want to be a part of the change in this world and I believe that I can bring a positive influence to today's healthcare crisis.
Stereotypically speaking I would never be successful. Being an African American woman from an unaccredited school district, I’m expected to fail. Well I, Da’Mya McPherson will prove every stereotype to be incorrect. Graduating for a four year accredited university with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing will mean more than a high school diploma insuring I met all of the academic requirements to function in society. Earning my Bachelors degree means I will be able to give back to my community, by becoming a role-model for young African American girls, and move out of my present socio-economic class.
Growing up, I’ve always had a passion to interact with infants and their health. After watching my mother lose her new born child after two days, I vowed to help make a difference by decreasing the mortality rate in America. I aspire to become a Neonatal Nurse working in the Intensive Care Unit. I presently volunteer at KIDZ’N MOTION daycare, with the 6 week- 12 month old age range. In this position, I have learned the significance of a child’s well-being. It is these skills that I will take with me to college and later to my profession. Upon graduating from college I will serve my community by volunteering at local hospitals and clinics.
One of my parent’s most memorable quotes was “We can’t give you all everything, but we can give you what we have.” My father was laid off from his job of ten years and my mother stayed at home to raise my siblings and me. My father only earned his associates degree in automotive maintenance and my mother didn’t graduate from high school. Once the economic depression hit society, it affected my family deeply. My family was forced to downsize and my parents were forced to work passionless jobs to make ends meet. Watching my parents struggle motivated me to earn a college degree so I wouldn’t have to struggle like them.
Financial stability is another motivation of mine. Obtaining my degree, and having a career rather than a job means I will not have to live from paycheck to paycheck. I will be able to provide my own children with the basic necessities without struggling. I will also be able to provide my family with the resources that I did not have. If I am financially stable, my children will be allowed to be children. They will not have to worry about helping me financially because my career will be set in stone.
Securing my economic future by earning a college degree is not the most important motive, but doing service that is impactful to the community is my imperative commitment. Providing assistance to the youth who are not wealthy enough to pay for their secondary education will give hope of achievement. Exemplifying African American success by earning my Bachelors of Science in Nursing, to the youth will serve as my testimony.
The most important part of the body is not the brain, or the powerful aorta, and it is not the arms and legs that give the body movement and control. Rather the hands are the most important part of the body. A firm handshake, a comforting touch on the back, and the healing hands of a nurse all impart a sense of assurance and comfort to those they touch. The realization that the hands are messengers of the soul came to me through watching a dedicated nurse, Annie, apply various dressings and bandages to a patient's wounds. Volunteering at the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Martinez and shadowing Annie Skradski taught me many things about what it means to be a nurse and about the responsibilities as a health care practitioner. I learned so much about myself as a person and realized the inner strength I possess, which will sustain me in my future career as a nurse.
Like any other person, I have weaknesses and frailties but I also have areas of endurance and power to combat these flaws. The white washed walls, the bland colors and hallways devoid of familiarity are common features in hospitals. Volunteering in this environment for several months has helped me realize how critical this sterile workplace is to caring for patients. At the same time, I also learned that making a hospital feel more like a home is critical to long-term care. In addition, volunteering for an eight-hour shift each week has allowed me to see that nursing will take both a physical and mental toll on my body. My personal strength and commitment to bring comfort into the lives of others, however, is greater than the mental and physical demands I will experience.
Volunteering at the VA hospital has also given me the opportunity to interact with a variety of health care professionals and patients. I learned that the health care field is not devoid of gossip and drama. Many of the nurses chatted and spread rumors about one another; as a nurse, I will overcome this temptation of taking part in social infighting and will set a higher standard for myself. Sick and injured people are not always happy and agreeable; as their nurse, I will daily commit to practicing the art of patience and understanding. It will be my responsibility to show care to all of my patients, no matter what their state of mind. Through my cheerful attitude, intelligence, and persistence, I will be able to help those in need. Volunteering as Annie’s assistant allowed me to observe firsthand how important reassurance through talking and touch is to a person’s healing and moral. I want to be that skilled nurse who can comfort and talk to complete strangers who are in pain. This experience has caused me to reflect on my own abilities and passions, recognizing both my strengths and my weaknesses. I am confident that I can overcome my own imperfections and am committed to becoming a strong, capable, and compassionate nurse.
I am a determined, passionate, caring, understanding, and respectful young woman. My desire to serve as a nurse has only increased and I now know that I possess the compassion and fortitude necessary to be a successful nurse. At the same time, I also possess the stomach to see the gory side of medicine and human suffering. Watching Annie dress an open wound was not pretty, but I was able to look past the disgust I initially felt seeing infected tissue and hand Annie the necessary bandages to care for her patient. The determination to accomplish anything I truly want resides within me and has aided me in my college studies. During my first semester of college, I received a mediocre grade on the first midterm in my biology class, but my will to succeed helped me receive a 98 percent on the following midterm. Through volunteering at the VA, my desire to become a nurse and learn everything I can has grown. Being a volunteer and interacting with elderly patients has also taught me that all patients require respect and understanding. Since my childhood, I have always been taught to respect my elders, and to treat others as I would like to be treated. This golden rule has influenced me in every aspect of my life, and it will continue to influence me as a nurse. My own moral character and those qualities that reside within me and influence my daily decisions will aid me in my future as a nurse.
One hospital scene is etched in my mind and I remember feeling heartbroken for someone I had never met before that moment. I watched the flicker of pain and confusion pass through the eyes of an elderly African-American patient as Annie explained that both of his legs would have to be removed. This Vietnam veteran’s feet were infected with bacteria that were eating away at his flesh. If the bacteria spread to his bloodstream, the patient would face an imminent death so the surgery was necessary to save his life. Although Annie tried to explain the necessity of removing his lower extremities, the patient could not understand nor accept the prognosis of losing his legs. I am a young person who was able to empathize and help care for a man who had nothing in common with me, who had lived through a war before I was even born, and who was different from me in race, gender, culture, and lifestyle. But when he was sick, nothing mattered except that I was helping the nurse who was caring for him. The generation gap and the educational gap between this patient and me is a poignant example of the cultural differences I will face while caring for my patients as a nurse. Despite the many disparities between myself and a patient, or their families and their cultures, what will matter most is not our dissimilar beliefs but that I compassionately care for them as a human being.
My life thus far has been blessed through personal experiences of overcoming obstacles, learning important lessons, and realizing my own natural potential. I never back away from a challenge, and volunteering at the Veterans Affairs hospital has given me insight about what a nursing career really involves. I have seen that nursing will challenge me physically and mentally, but I have also come to realize that I have tremendous inner strength and can rise to the occasion. The lessons I have learned and applied in my life will aid me in becoming a highly skilled nurse and someone who can make a significant difference in another person’s life.
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