Figuring out how to pay for college is one of the most challenging aspects of starting college. As hundreds of thousands of families each year struggle with the reality of the high cost of college tuition, scholarship scams target needy students and their families looking for the cheapest way to pay for college. Over $100 million is lost each year due to this kind of fraud.
Last updated on March 23, 2025 by College Financial Aid Advice.
All scholarships are free. Therefore, there is no cost to find or apply for a scholarship. Scholarship scams will almost always involve paying some kind of an up front fee for their scholarship finding and matching services. In reality, the same scholarships are available in public domain, usually online, for everyone to find.
How to find free scholarships and grants? To begin with, start with your own high school counselors. They have access to numerous lists of scholarships and will share them with you at no cost.
Additionally, the local library can be used to research scholarships, or simply research it online. So, never turn to a paid scholarship matching service to find a scholarship for college.
Unused scholarships Another sign of scholarship scams is that they claim that there are private scholarships that are neglected to be used every year. The truth is that private scholarships are funded by certain organizations for specific people, or specific qualifications, and specific academic fields. These kinds of scholarships are, in fact, very limited. Most unclaimed scholarships are local scholarships and will not be found in these phony scholarship scam sites.
Scholarships for 2025 - 2026 - It is never too early or too late to work on your scholarship searches. If you are part of the high school class of 2025, you should work on your scholarship and college search now. See our list of Scholarships for High School Seniors
FAFSA - The official 2025 - 2026 FAFSA is available now. FAFSA.
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Scholarships for High School Students
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