Last updated on March 23, 2025 by College Financial Aid Advice.
Princeton University
We suggest you check out our list of Scholarships for High School Students
Who is eligible? - Scholarships were awarded to high school students in grades 9-12 who demonstrate academic achievements and exemplary community services as well as school activities and work experience. Students living in the United States or Puerto Rico were eligible, including those from home schools.
Where can I get an application? - The Best Buy Scholarship Program has permanently closed. The application is not available online or in the Best Buy stores.
When is the application deadline - The Best Buy Scholarship was due in February of each year.
How may the funds be used? - The awards are for one year of full-time college study at an accredited 2-year or 4-year college, university, or technical/vocational school in the United States or Puerto Rico. The money must be used for tuition in the fall term after high school, as the checks for winners will be made out to their chosen college but mailed to the students home.
Scholarships for 2025 - 2026 - It is never too early or too late to work on your scholarship searches. If you are part of the high school class of 2025, you should work on your scholarship and college search now. See our list of Scholarships for High School Seniors
FAFSA - The official 2025 - 2026 FAFSA is available now. FAFSA.
Scholarship Lists An overview of the different types of Scholarship Money for College.
Grants Learn more about grants, the other free money for college.
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Scholarships for High School Students
Scholarships for College Students
Scholarships for High School Seniors
Scholarships for High School Juniors
Scholarships for High School Sophomores
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